Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Can you make copies of circuit court public records that you personally buy and pass them out to others?

Our son's little league coach has an injunction for stalking and harrassment, and we think that the other parents should read the disturbing public records that we paid for from the county courthouse to help them ensure the safety for their children? Many thanks.Can you make copies of circuit court public records that you personally buy and pass them out to others?
I'm not a lawyer but I'd suggest you don't do it. You're in a gray area. Generally you can only disseminate public information related to conviction of a crime. Although your information is public there may be no crime involved. Sometimes all an individual needs to do is ask for a protective order because they "feel threatened".

You might open yourself up to getting sued for slander. Legally you wouldn't be because the information is true but it's a gray area because the underlying offense might be false. That's why we have courts.Can you make copies of circuit court public records that you personally buy and pass them out to others?
Yes that's why they're called public records The only reason you had to play for the original is to cover the court cost of looking up the document and copying it. Something to keep in mind is a stalking harasser might not react kindly towards your efforts. I would mail them anonymously to people and act just a mystified to it origins as everyone else, " why yes, I got one too isn't that terrible"?Can you make copies of circuit court public records that you personally buy and pass them out to others?
If they are public records I don't see the problem. I suppose he could file in civil court for harrassment. What bothers me is why let your son participate under this coach if you have concerns about his safety?
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