Friday, February 3, 2012

If you are renting, can you find out if the owner is paying the mortgage on that home in FREE public records?

I am not sure that the owner, of the home we are renting, in is in some financial trouble. I am concerned he is lying to us about being current on his mortgage payments. Is this public information? We are worried about being thrown in the street one day... we are in Phoenix, Arizona. Any help is much appreciated.If you are renting, can you find out if the owner is paying the mortgage on that home in FREE public records?
No, that information is not in his public records untill the bank files for foreclosure.
MadMan, you are sadly mistaken. If the property is lost due to Foreclosure (default - whatever name you want to call it, the lease does not, and likely will not be honored. The Bank/Lender/Private Party that absorbs the lease or buys the Foreclosure property isnt governed by law in ANY state requiring the Lease to be honored. Thats like me telling you that you have to wear the shoes you bought and paid for that you HAVE to wear them with ONLY blue laces. Do your homeiwork before you answer! No, it isnt public information until they go into default and the owner is served with Notice. Only at that point does it become public record, and by then you are usually (not always) within a 60-120 day countdown.

Good LuckIf you are renting, can you find out if the owner is paying the mortgage on that home in FREE public records?
No, that information is not public. You can probably discern whether he has a mortgage on the property, and perhaps who the lender is, but that is all you will learn. Whether or not he is making payments as agreed is strictly confidential. You cannot get the information FREE or otherwise. Sorry.If you are renting, can you find out if the owner is paying the mortgage on that home in FREE public records?
If he's not paying, you'll get a notice on your door a couple of months before you get thrown out onto the street, giving you ample time to find another place. Just don't pay your rent more than a month in advance!

No, you can't, and there's nowhere that you can pay to find it out either.. Whether he is current on payments is none of your business and not pubic record.
Who the owner's mortgage company is none of your business. The only thing, you can find, on 'free public records' is the owners name and address.
None of your business. If he loses the property, your lease has to be honored.
No that is private same as someone wanting to see your pay stub and credit history.
It's not public or any of your business. Do your part and pay your rent.

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