Monday, February 6, 2012

What website can i go to find public records on the sale of our mobile home park?

Our mobile home park was sold and now they are threatening to impound our homes if we do not pay up.or we get immediate evictionsWhat website can i go to find public records on the sale of our mobile home park?
One suggestion I can give you is for all the tenants to get together and get an attorney as fast as possible. Similar to your case there have been at least two cases here in my state. In at least one of those cases the park has not been sold yet, and the public is suspecting they are being tricked into something, and they are fighting like mad.

This might not be the case in your situation. Maybe everything has gone "by the book", but remember that attorneys always know the law better than us, and if there has or will be any wrongdoing (even if not intended that way by the new owners), there definetely will be something the lawyers can do to stop it and give you a breather, if nothing else.

Concerning what you say as "pay up", you do not explain if you are behind in your payments at all. Or if the new owner has raised the rent, etc. Whatever the case it is best you dial up as many attorneys as possible, and simply ask if there's a possibility of any help. If an attorney is out of question because of lack of funds, try and contact a "legal clinic", or whatever they are called in your state.

Remember these are either totally without charge or have very low cost paying plans...Whatever you do, ask around as much as you can, and you will get some help.
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