Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Is your personal political party affiliation considered public records?

I was on my states secretary of state website looking up voter information for this upcoming election and noticed something odd. Under the "find your poll location for the election" section, all you have to do is type in your name, city, and birthdate to find out your voter info. It does not show any personal info, however it does show what your political party affiliation is if you have one. Is your politcal party affiliation considered public records? The reason I ask is because anyone who wants to could log on and type in your name, city, and birthday and find out what your political party affiliation is.Is your personal political party affiliation considered public records?
Yes, your party registration is public information. It's the only way potential candidates can find their potential constituencies.

Here's another one you'll like even more. If you've given a contribution to any candidate this year over, oh, I think it's about $250, THAT shows up on the web too.

People complain about politics being conducted behind closed doors and in smoky back rooms, but then think that "their" politics should be private.

There's nothing inherently "private" about joining a club, which is what "party registration" is. Your VOTE is private. That's about it.Is your personal political party affiliation considered public records?
I honestly don't know why that should be ANYBODY's business.

I've never heard of anyone having access to that kind of information in my country.

That's personal information and you would not BELIEVE how much you can find out about ANYBODY in America just by going to various sites and by forking out a few bucks who knows what more will come up!

I typed in my friends name on some common site, and it listed EVERYONE who lived in her house by name!! Unreal.

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